“The 10 Habits to Your Vitality” – Remember How to Breathe Like a Baby

Each month I’ll continue to remind you about key essential lifestyle HABITS, which when practiced and applied at the right pace for you will radically improve your whole quality of life and COST you no-thing except your due attention and intention.

Most people ‘wait’ to become disabled (not able to work, play or continue with their usual daily activities) before then ‘choosing’ to make new lifestyle or environmental distinctions. Why wait to become disabled, do something about it NOW. ?

If you missed last month, “The 10 Habits to Your Vitality” – THOUGHTS – Spiritual Homework – click

Isn’t it amazing how our body does so many amazing things without us even knowing or having to think about it?  From the first breath we take as a baby right through to the last breath we take before we leave our physical body.  The cycle of our breath continues whether or not we are conscious.  Our breath (O2) is paramount to our complete wellbeing and we could only survive less than six minutes without taking in more oxygen.

Please understand that although this 2nd HABIT may seem simple, even perhaps basic, it is HOWEVER essentially VITAL for you to THRIVE not just survive!

When I talk about breathing my wish is that you practice these techniques through your nose, NOT your mouth. Why? Because breathing through our mouth allows fine dust particles from our present atmosphere as well as parasites, fungi, bacteria and viruses (Mother Nature’s Police Force), but also puts our body in, ‘fight and flight’ mode (SNS – Sympathetic Nervous System). When breathing through our nose, nasal hairs are triggered to ensure our bodies ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) is more in sync with our PSN – Parasympathetic Nervous System. It basically puts our body more at EASE!

  • Try this first, stand up straight or sit up maintaining correct spinal integrity and put your right hand on your heart (centre of your chest) and your left hand on your stomach.  Breathe normally and observe what moves and when.  Do not take in more air than you normally do, but rather, quietly observe your breath and notice which hand is doing most of the moving. You may find this request easier if you close your eyes too. 🙂

Take a moment or two to notice how you breathe.  Is it your chest hand or your stomach hand that moves first?  Place both your hands on your lower ribcage now.   Relax your abdomen, and as you inhale a normal amount of air, feel your ribcage expand all around.  Allow the air to come out all by itself.  Notice how your spine moves.

How did you breathe?   Like a baby or are you a chest breather?  Now concentrate on deeply filling your lower lungs first then your upper chest. Empty the lower then your upper chest.  Breathing properly actually utilises more calories, relaxes you and makes you feel phenomenal!  Spend at least a few moments each day while in your office or while driving, concentrating on your deep rhythmic breathing techniques. It will relax and reenergise you at the same time.

  1. Did you know that 75% of many dis-eases have been related to poor breathing techniques and as a quick reminder – ¾ of your lungs are located in your stomach region, ¼ in your chest region.

Deep breathing massages all our internal organs including the heart, decompresses our spine, oxygenates each and every cell in our body, and can relax your complete physical body when you breathe deeply and fully.  Try having an argument when you are consciously breathing deeply with your respective other or friend.  It’s impossible, your body is too relaxed.  You can’t possibly argue and breathe deeply/fully at the same time!

How often did your mother or father tell you to breathe deeply when you were annoyed or upset? Did it work or were they just words?

This 2nd HABIT is essential to reaching your true optimal health and vitality.  As we age, many of us become chest breathers.  This stresses our entire physical body, which has a knock on effect to our emotional and mental body.  No matter how old you are you can and will improve your wellbeing and vitality by becoming conscious about your breathing.  It’s like another gift in life, please take nothing for granted and say “Thank you”, to the Universe.

  1. Did you also know that any poor breathing technique, which we ‘learn’ throughout our life can also lower the pH of our body? So, does consuming sugar! (More about DIEt in two months. What is our perfect diet?)

Our blood pH should be between 7.35- 7.45- slightly alkaline.

pH = Potential of Hydrogen – is the negative log of hydrogen ion concentration in a water-based solution. The term “pH” was first described by a Danish biochemist called, Søren Peter Lauritz Sørensen in 1909. pH is an abbreviation for “power of hydrogen” where “p” is short for the German word for power, potenz and H as you know is the element symbol for Hydrogen. The total pH scale ranges from 1 to 14 of a logarithmic scale in which 7 is neutral. A pH less than 7 is said to be acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline.

As part of your continued homework on creating the ‘new’ you, I challenge you to practice, standing, sitting and or lying down, while putting into action deep rhythmic breathing. You may also mindfully count to four or even 10 on your in breath and exhale through your nose at the same count, either 4 or more. Have fun with these creative movements. 🙂

With love and gratitude,


Magnus & Family

June 2017