Skin Care by Silver Biotics
Your skin is an important component in protecting your body, and let’s face it – we all want healthy looking skin. Silver Biotics® Healing Cream products are carefully formulated to work triple duty by beautifying and protecting, while promoting healing.
Our fast absorbing skin care products use SilverSol Technology® to naturally promote healing, and leave your skin looking and feeling amazing.
Silver Biotic products are produced by American Biotech Labs. The American Biotech Labs team has been able to develop and patent a manufacturing process that created a much more stable and effective silver product.
This new silver technology created an engineered silver nano particle that has proven to be one of the most effective silver products ever created.
Silver biotics new line of skincare products are infused with 20PPM of Silver Sol and help to Beautify, Heal and Protect your skin. the creams come in scented or unscented, we also stock the NEW CBD cream range using Patented Silver Sol Technology.

Silver Biotics have taken the old technology of colloidal silver and improved it to create the next generation of silver products. SilverSol® was created to improve on current formulas to make them safer and more effective. Through a new manufacturing technology, patented under multiple patents, our advanced nano- silver solution has become the new standard by which all other silver products are measured. We call this new generation of colloidal silver, SilverSol.
Welcome and thank you for joining us.
Activation Europe is the official supplier and fufillment centre for Activation Products in the UK & Europe.
As the UK & European supplier for Activation Products, we are the cheapest and most respected source for fast delivery and helpful support, Activation Europe exists so that the benefits and rewards from Activation Products can be experienced by everyone worldwide! We ship directly to you from our UK fufillment centre, with FREE UK Delivery and fair postage prices to all EU countries.
Activation Europe provides the latest and freshest stock available in the UK & Europe, with every product available for dispatch the same day! We stock:

I met Ian Clark, the CEO of Activation Products in March 2013, but before then I’d spoken to him in January 2012 about his products. He kindly sent me a large sample of both Oceans Alive and Magnesium Infusion. My family and I have been consuming them ever since.
I’d had the privilege of reaping the benefits of Oceans Alive and Magnesium Infusion for over 17 months – Improved sleep, improved skin condition and I feel so much calmer (although might also be to do with practicing meditation and attending Buddhist events at the Temple in Ulverston!). If you read through the testimonials list, other clients and friends have gained huge benefits, but like everything in life, it all depends on what deficiencies and or toxicities people create in their lives before using these supplements.
My wife and I felt NOW was the moment to distribute these throughout the UK and Europe so that others can reap the rewards at an affordable price. In fact we just sent some to Australia the other day.
Much more information about the benefits and supplement information can be found on this website and more can be found at (USA & Canada).
Please do email us if you have any great health stories to share after using any of our products and we’d be delighted to use them as further testimonials:
You’ll know this… “Where your Intention goes…. Energy flows!”. When you become mindful or more aware of your thoughts and through the art of using empowering questions, you may start directing your intention and attention to that which you want more of in your life, then watch it appear! Two main aspects determine how you feel in any one moment.
- How quickly you move your body. Remember: EMOTION is CREATED by MOTION. For many people working IN as opposed to working OUT creative movements (exercise) will energise them. Examples like: Tai Chi, Chi-Gong, Yoga, Pilates and Zonal Exercise (please email me separately if you wish to practice and learn more about these.
- What you tell yourself (internal ‘chattering monkey’ thoughts). What you picture in your mind, and what you pay attention and intention to.
I was never taught at school not to beLIEve all the thoughts that entered my mind! Were you? Whatever thought is created, your body makes chemistry to act on that thought. For some people their childhood ‘programmes’ given to them by their parents, peers, teachers, etc may not serve them and as a result of acting out or behaving in a manner not aligned with their true SOUL or CORE values, causes internal; emotional, mental, spiritual or intuitive STRESSES!
It’s not about BEING positive all the time. It’s about creating BALANCE in your life and finding that hidden harmony, “The Peace that passeth all understanding”.
The FACT remains that HOW YOU: Think, Breathe, Drink, Eat, Sleep and undertake Creative Movement daily will determine your quality of LIFE on this amazing Planet.
As a big THANK YOU for reading my first AE blog above I’d also like to offer you a further 10% discount after you’ve placed your first supplement request with us. How do I know you’ve read this? I’d like you to type “About Us” in the ‘Instructions to Merchant’ when you start the PayPal ordering process before completing your payment.
If you have any further questions please touch base.
Thank you for putting YOUR health FIRST and I wish you and yours a joyous and eventful loving week.
NB. I’m sure you guys know this… Taking a high quality supplement also means adding in the right foods too! I use Metabolic Typing® to determine the ‘fuel’ right for me. Most people ‘medicate’ themselves three times a day (Breakfast, Lunch & dinner). There are hundreds of biochemical reactions occurring each time we consume whole, local, alive, organic foods.
Love and light,
Magnus, Sarah, Lucas and Austin