Ancient Beauty Secret: How to Use Amaranth Oil

Amaranth has a fascinating history, and the story explains why it’s not as well-known today as it maybe should be, given that it is loaded with life-sustaining nutrients. This ancient grain was cultivated hundreds of years ago by the Aztecs, and they used it not just as a food and medicine, but also as part of their religious ceremonies. records that the Aztecsbuilt statues of their deity using amaranth grain and honey. These statues were worshipped, broken, and distributed for eating. This practice is the primary reason amaranth did not survive as a staple. When the Spanish arrived with Cortez, as part of their efforts to force Christianity on the pagan natives, they outlawed the grain.”

In their efforts to eliminate the grain from Aztec culture, the Spanish burnt down all of the amaranth fields that they could find, leaving such a small amount of it growing that it largely escaped notice until the 1970s, when it was introduced in the United States and started to take root as a respected grain. Its popularity continues to grow as people learn about the many health benefits it has to offer.

It is possible to grow amaranth in your garden if you are so inclined. The writers at describe amaranth like this: “Most varieties have bushy flower heads and the color can range from golden yellow to the richest reds and brightest purples. Amaranth grows like a sunflower. It is related to pigweed. It sways in the breeze and its rich-colored flower heads make any garden area magical.” Amaranth flowers are indeed beautiful, plus they attract hummingbirds and butterflies.

Amaranth leaves make a very healthy and delicious salad and the seeds can be added to cereals and smoothies, but the very best way to reap the benefits of amaranth is via the seed oil.

The beauty perks are a big reason why amaranth oil is so popular. Amaranth oil can transform your skin and hair and give you the naturally clean, clear and beautiful look that just isn’t possible with chemical, man-made cosmetics.

Eating amaranth or putting the oil in your smoothies and salad dressings will beautify your skin and hair from the inside out, but you can also use it topically for more immediate results.

We’ve put together a gallery to illustrate some ways of using amaranth to naturally improve your look. Take a peek; don’t miss your chance to look younger and healthier.

How to Use Amaranth Oil for Gorgeous Skin & Hair

Put it directly on your skin:

Once or twice a day, after a shower or at bedtime, dampen clean hands and shake off excess water. Squeeze 3 drops of amaranth oil into the palm of one hand and rub your hands together in a circular motion to spread the amaranth oil over them. Gently massage the oil into your face using a circular motion, keeping your eyes closed. Make sure you cover your entire face with the oil. It will soak into your skin quickly. Your skin will absorb the oil and benefit from its squalene content, which oxygenates cells.

Amaranth oil moisturizes and leaves you with a healthy glow.

DIY Amaranth Lotion:

1/4 cup beeswax
2 tablespoons shea butter or cocoa butter
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup almond oil
1 tsp amaranth oil
*Add essential oils for scent and added benefit according to your preference. Vanilla or lavender are popular choices. To learn more about essential oils, click here.

Melt beeswax gently over low heat. Add shea or cocoa butter and stir until liquid. Add coconut oil and stir until liquid. Remove from heat, add almond oil quickly and whip with an electric mixer (you want to whip it into a smooth cream before the beeswax solidifies, so be prepared to do this fast). Once it’s cooled somewhat, add amaranth oil and essential oils and mix thoroughly. Start with a few drops of essential oil and add more until it reaches desired strength. Store lotion in a glass jar at room temperature. Use within three months.

Oatmeal Honey Face Scrub with Amaranth:

*Recipe is for one application

1/4 cup oatmeal, ground up fine in food processor
2 tbsp raw, organic honey
1 tsp amaranth oil, plus a few drops

Combine ingredients in a bowl. Expect a sticky texture. If the mixture is too sticky or lumpy, try carefully adding a little more oil or a few drops of water. Apply the scrub to your face and massage it into your skin, especially on any problem areas. Rinse with warm water. Massage a few more drops of amaranth oil into your skin and let it soak in.

Coconut and Amaranth Hair Mask:

*Recipe is for one application

¼ cup coconut oil
2 droppers amaranth oil
8-10 drops lavender essential oil (optional)

In a small dish, combine the ingredients. Start with the coconut oil and drip the other oils on top, then stir them together until smooth and fully combined. Take the mixture into your hands and rub your hands together to distribute the mask, then rub your hands through your hair, spreading the mask from the roots to the ends. Comb through your hair to ensure the mask is equally distributed. Tie or pin your hair up and wrap it in a hot, damp towel. Leave the towel on for 30-60 minutes before washing out the mask.

How to use amaranth oil in your shampoo or conditioner:

Amaranth can be used to enhance the effects of your shampoo and/or conditioner.

Rather than adding it to the bottle, we recommend that you put a few drops of amaranth oil into your palm, add the desired amount of shampoo or conditioner, combine and then massage it into your hair as usual. The oil will remain in your hair after you wash out the shampoo or conditioner, working as a natural leave-in moisturizer.

Panaseeda Amaranth Oil is simply the best amaranth oil available. It’s Perfectly Pressed™ from high-quality organic amaranth seeds and has no additives or preservatives. This unique pressing process ensures zero damage to the nutritional properties of the grain.

For youthful, glowing skin and strong healthy hair, invest in Panaseeda Amaranth Oil today.