9 Reasons To Start Your Morning With A Walk
What you do in the morning can set a precedent for your entire day. You may not feel the motivation to get up and get moving first thing in the morning, but we promise that it doesn’t come without its benefits.
Whether it’s a walk through your neighbourhood, a stroll with your dog, or a commute to your work on foot, here are nine health reasons to start your morning with a walk.
1. Energy boost
It may feel counterintuitive, like walking should use up some of your energy and make you more tired throughout the day. But as it turns out, the opposite is true.
Beginning your day with a walk can provide you with more energy throughout the day, especially if you walk outside.
Studies have shown that those who walk outdoors experience more energizing benefits than those who walk indoors. [1]
That being said, walking inside is certainly better than not walking at all.
Another study found that stair walking was more energizing for sleep-deprived participants than a cup of coffee! [2]
If you want to increase energy levels, a walk in the morning may be just what you need.
2. Mood boost
Along with more energy, you may find that your morning walk has you in a better mood. That’s simply the benefits of exercise!
Walking may help:
- Improve self-esteem
- Boost mood
- Reduce stress
- Reduce anxiety
- Reduce fatigue
- Reduce symptoms of depression
Research shows that walking can have a positive impact on mental health in a range of ways. [3, 4]
Head out for 20-30 minutes per day for best results.
3. Meet your exercise goals early in the day
Before work, family responsibilities, and other obligations get hold of you, you can get your recommended physical activity for the day.
150-300 minutes of physical activity per week is recommended by health experts. [5]
Walking for 30 minutes in the morning, five days per week will have you meeting these requirements.
4. It can help with weight loss
Walking at a moderate pace for 30 minutes can burn approximately 150 calories. Combined with a healthy diet, your morning walk may help with any weight goals you may have.
One study compared walkers over non-walkers. Those who walked for 30 minutes a day, five days per week, lost significantly more weight than the participants who were on the same diet, but didn’t do the daily walk. The walking group also had clear signs of improved heart health. [6]
5. Prevent or support health conditions
Because walking has a broad range of benefits for overall health, like boosting immunity, it can help manage various health conditions.
Studies show that walking can help prevent health conditions associated with the heart, as well as blood sugar issues. [7]
6. Strengthen muscles
Walking has a positive impact on the muscles in your legs, along with various other muscles that get used while walking.
The brisker you walk, the better for your muscles. But if you’re not a regular walker, it may be best to work your way up.
For even more of a challenge, walk uphill, up stairs, or add a workout like squats or lunges into your walking routine.
7. Improve mental clarity
On top of improving overall mood, a morning walk can also increase mental clarity.
One study found that those who began their days with a walk had improved cognitive function over those who chose not to walk. [8]
Your walk can also boost creativity. The introspective time and increase in blood flow can offer a better flow of problem solving ideas. Research shows that getting up and moving about leads to better problem solving than remaining sedentary. [9]
8. You can sleep better
A morning walk may help you get a better sleep once the day ends.
One study looked at older adults who were experiencing sleep issues. Those who started walking in the morning began to sleep better than those who started walking in the evening. [10]
On top of that, research shows that exercise can improve both the quality and duration of sleep. [11, 12]
9. You’ll make healthier choices throughout the day
If you’re going for a walk first thing in the morning – especially outdoors – you’ll be starting the day off on an excellent foot. You’ll get the benefits outlined in this blog post, and feel better throughout the day.
As we said at the start of this post, how your day starts can set a precedent for the day. Starting it off with a 30 minute exercise can set you up for a day of better choices, both health related and generally!
Support from the Active B Complex 
B vitamins play a role in converting the food you eat into energy.
It’s no wonder, then, that research shows B vitamins play an important role in athletic performance and regeneration. [13, 14]
Another major component to a successful workout are electrolytes. Research shows that they’re important before, during, and after exercise. [15]
If you exercise, or plan on exercising, you want to give your body the necessary tools. Otherwise, you could do more harm than good.
Thankfully, Purality Health’s Micelle Liposomal Active B Complex contains all 8 of the B vitamins, along with 9 essential minerals, 4 of which are electrolytes!
>>> Click here to learn how our Active B Complex can support your workout (and overall health)
References and Resources:
- http://selfdeterminationtheory.org/SDT/documents/2010_RyanWeinstenEtAl_JEVP.pdf
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0031938416310666
- https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2333721421999316
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29858467/
- https://health.gov/our-work/nutrition-physical-activity/presidents-council
- https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/147/10/1875/4727967
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19306107/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31036563/
- https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2014-14435-001
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28522092/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5385214/
- https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/exercising-for-better-sleep
- https://extension.oregonstate.edu/news/b-vitamins-play-important-role-athletic-performance
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17240780/
- https://bindinutrition.com.au/why-electrolytes-are-important-before-and-after-exercise/